Become an Ambassador or a Consul
Anyone who is a citizen of the Principality of Aigues-Mortes can be an Ambassador or a Consul in his/her country of residence. The following criterias are to be observed before applying:
1/Being over 21 years old.
2/Not having any official position within another micronation.
3/Accepting full compliance with the principality's principles and values.
4/Must have a facebook profile to follow communication within our Ambassadors group.
5/Have diplomatic skills and good understanding of culture differences.
6/To speak english and/or French + the national language of your country of residence.
Do you think you match all criterias ? Please check our diplomatic representation map. If your country of residence isn't pink, that means that we have both a position of Ambassador and of consul available. If it's pink, it means that we already have an Ambassador but we could need a general or honoray consul in your city.
It is the Principality's interest and policy to only grant a diplomatic position to motivated and proactive citizens abroad who really feel involved and passionate about our micronational concept. All applications and documentation provided are thoroughly checked by the Department of Foreign Affairs before submission to His Serene Highness approval. All false documentation provided will lead to the citizenship withdrawal and application rejection. The Department of Foreign Affairs reserves the right to refuse any application if not deemed compatible with the interests of the Crown.
Done your check ? Please complete and send us your application form. We will come back to you as soon as possible.